Water, Water Everywhere...and Actually a Lot to Drink! - LEED Platinum Home Progress Report
Contractor’s Notes 4-18-11
Hello Everyone,
This week our guys are finishing up the caulking/insulation aspect of the job. The inspector OK’d the third and second floors, so those are now being sheetrocked. He will be back out on Wednesday to OK the first floor. Jon was able to install the blocking in the master bath for the towel ring.
Tomorrow, the Pur2o guys will be out to install. Barbara is also planning on being out to take some pictures for Josy before the walls get closed up.
It seems that it is a pre-requisite from LEED to do a radon system. I am going to reach out to a few companies to see if they can come out this week to give numbers and ideas.
Has the irrigation confirmed a date for this week? Our excavator is planning on coming out the week of the 25th to start. If Chris could come out this week, that would be handy. Anthia and Sam, due to the location of the 1000 gallon tank that has to go in the front yard for the irrigation system, we are not going to be able to put the propane tank where we had wanted. We have come up with 2 options for the backyard, which I will need your approval on.
Also, Anthia, I will give you some options for the door hardware for the 2 Dutch doors. At that time I can show you where we are thinking the propane tanks could go.
For this week, there will not be a site meeting due to school vacations.