
What Has the World Become?


I hate to get so heavy on the first day back to reality after summer has ended but I really need to talk about the sate of the world. I realize that this may turn some potential clients off but I guess that is the risk I take for taking a firm stance.

The last few weeks of the summer have been weird to say the least. Weird is a bad word but what is another word? 'Unexpected', 'abnormal', 'troubling', 'disorienting', 'disheartening', hmmm so many plausible alternatives. 

Here in the North East we had both an earthquake and a hurricane in the last 2 weeks. Unexpected! These two events both truly re-enforce the concept that global climate change is having an effect on our weather patterns and we should probably do something about it. Even people who have always poo-poo-ed (or aggressively denied) global warming are now basically admitting that there is something afoot with the weather and if we keep on with our current trajectory we could be having some really big problems really pretty soon. This too me is scary, but honestly I have been 'on this page' for so long it doesn't make me freak out- it just makes me know that we are on the right track in trying to make an effort to build homes with smaller and smaller carbon footprints. Though, really, I think these effort are still not enough - not nearly enough! At least we are trying to do things in the right direction.

Also the stock market and politics have both been absolute roller coasters of insanity with basically the feeling (or the plain old knowledge) that no one is at the helm of this ship. None of our leaders or experts seem to have any better idea than you or I of what is going on or how to fix it. Terrifying.

What is really making my head spin lately, however, is a different shift that has happened over the last 10 years. It is the ever growing rift between rich and poor, and the ever increasing sense of entitlement and shallowness in our society. It seems like the only people who get financially rewarded in our world anymore are people who are either in the financial industry or people who become super starts on TV - for whatever reason, no matter how stupid and empty. This is really such a sad state of affairs.

I am personal friends with people who are artists, doctors, writers, scientists, deep thinkers, musicians, sculptors, dancers, contractors, builders, craftsman, brilliant inventors,marketing people, teachers, clergy, firemen, police, nurses, and yes architects (the list goes on and on) and it is getting so that almost none of us make a decent living relative to our neighbors. Hell sometimes we don't make a decent living, period. Never mind the people who have always had to work super hard just to get by- you know- the road crew, the people who clean your house and serve your food and do your laundry and mow your lawn and pick up your trash?

It is like the frog in the hot water story. You know the one - you put a frog in a pot of cool water and slowly heat the water and before he even realizes that the water is too hot the poor guy is cooked all the way thru. I used to feel guilty because I wasn't getting rich being an architect. I used to feel like I was doing something wrong. I now see things in a totally new light. This water has been getting warmer and warmer these last 5 - 10 years for all of us people I listed above. Our jobs - the creative and thoughtful, the needed, the very difficult and the extremely dirty, and yes often very meaningful or brilliant work we all do quietly on a daily basis is being utterly disrespected financially....and socially.

I see it paralleling directly the state of affairs in which our society finds itself. It is a state of shallow and empty disrepair. A state in which there is no respect for creativity, art, spirituality, the making of things, helpfulness, caring, and certainly not an honest days labor. I heard the results of a survey recently in which teenagers were asked to prioritize a list of 10 things in the order in which they valued them. You got it- fame and money were the top of the list. Being a good person, doing the right thing, being true to your self and morals were the bottom of the list. Ugh. how really, really sad.

Maybe this is all more evident in Fairfield County and other very wealthy parts of the country. 

Isn't it time that we made efforts to correct the course of this ship?

We design houses that bring families together and focus more on time with your loved ones instead of time with the computer or tv alone in your room. We design houses that let people connect with the world outside and the changing of the seasons. We make more from less. We help people use less. We find true, honest products and natural textures and nooks and crannies and light open airy-ness to inspire the soul and the mind. We do this all for a reason! We are trying to bring some balance back to the world. Some connection- to each other and to the planet. 

We here at Trillium and the contractors, designers and craftspeople we work with all care. We care a lot. We all do very honest good work and we expect this work we do to be recognized and appreciated. Sometimes it is, sometimes it is not.

I have a great deal of respect for our clients in the financial industry who in turn respect all of the hard work that the rest of us do and who see that the direction of the world could be troubling, and so put a lot of their own work and money behind very helpful causes that frankly the rest of us cannot afford to put our money into. There are so many people in Fairfield County and beyond who make a difference. Shouldn't we all (and I mean all of us) try to do our best to make the world a more meaningful and respectful place for all people?

I believe that starts not with simply respecting our environment but respecting the people - all people- who live and work hard amongst us every day to try to bring meaning and value back to this world.

Darien LEED Home: Supporting Local Industry

Trillium Architects' newly constructed Darien home is green in many ways.  Aside from being a LEED registered home due to receive LEED Platinum status upon completion, the house is full of not only sustainable materials, but also locally crafted materials.  Here is a breakdown:


~ The built-in furniture (frames and upholstery) was made in Cheshire, CT, with all organic or natural fabrics free of flame retardants and heavy metals.  The built-in seating cushion stuffing is an organic latex from Massachusetts.  The Dining Room table and Master Bed frame will be made by a craftsman in Bethel, CT.

~ The window treatments for the home were made of all organic fabrics (Belgian and Italian linen) by a stay-at-home mom in Trumbull, CT.


~ Many of the interior light fixtures were made in Brooklyn, NY.

~ The window hardware was hand-forged by a Massachusetts blacksmith.

~ A single 100 foot spruce tree from the existing property was a hazard, leaning in on the house- ready to fall and in need of removal.  From this tree, all of the window and door trim for the house's interior was produced.

~ The custom Dutch doors were created and insulated by a craftsman in Fairfield, CT.


~The crew of contractors on site made a promise to be good neighbors throughout the construction process. (Easy for these guys! They are 'great neighbors' before any promises are necessary). This promise included things like no smoking on the site, no littering, and watching out for the small children who lived - very closely- on each side of the job site. These guys would never have done anything but. You have never seen such happy neighbors who just lived through a 10 month construction job!

This Weekend ~ SoNo Arts Fest!

As happens every year Trillium Architects will be at the SoNo Arts Festival Aug 6 and 7, 10-5. Please come on by for free architecture advise and newly added sat. afternoon cocktail hour featuring free Dark and Stormies! 3-5! Come on by!

April 11, 2010 ~ Should I really build a well sealed home??

I like this article form Fine Home Building- it explains the 'tight house'. 

23 March 2011 ~ A House of Good Intention

09 December 2010 ~ How to Prioritize the Insulating of a Historic Home

02 December 2010 ~ Top 10 Green Building Priorities

To summarize, here's my top-10 list of green building priorities:
by Alex Wilson

(Alex Wilson is founder and executive editor of BuildingGreen, LLC in Brattleboro, VT.)

30 November 2010 ~ A Great Blower Door Test!

Congratulations to B P C Green Builders + Trillium Architects!

28 October 2010 ~ Catching up

May 29, 2010 ~ House Parts: Insulation

OK, let's talk insulation.

The number one basic rule in creating an energy efficient building is 'first address the envelope'.

What does that mean? Well, when we say envelope we mean the outer shell of the house. The roof, all of the exterior walls. the bottom floor/ slab/ basement/ crawlspace (whichever the case may be.) So the first goal is to make that envelope a) very well insulated b) very well sealed by filling any holes, penetrations, nooks and crannies and cracks  c) protected from moisture infiltration and d) protected from air infiltration.

A lot of people's reaction to this is 'I don't want to live in a sealed box!' or 'Isn't it bad or dangerous to completely seal your house??' while it is true that a house needs to be sealed with care and that concerns about air exchange need to be addressed, you actually do want a well sealed home. AND just to ease your mind- addressing the air exchange in a well sealed house goes hand in hand with sealing the house. It is a given- like breathing- no architect or builder who builds well built, well insulated, well sealed houses will ever 'forget' to provide fresh air (unless they are a completely crazy or utterly incompetent and you will have noticed that long before you get to the building sealing stage! ) 

Basically I always use my swimming pool analogy. If you own a  swimming pool, you want to be in control of when the water leaves or enters your pool. If your pool was full of little cracks you would have no control over the water. You would have to continually fill the pool and constantly adjust and observe water levels, and all sorts of problems would occur in the area of the cracks (the cracks get bigger, deterioration of the liner occurs faster, dirt and critters collect there,etc, etc.) You want the same for your house. YOU want to control when and where air and moisture come and go. Simple. Logical.

Ok - back to the rules of the envelope list:  a) very well insulated b) very well sealed by filling any holes, penetrations, nooks and crannies and cracks  c) protected from moisture infiltration and d) protected from air infiltration.

The last 3 have to do with preventing the flow of air and moisture through the walls and are addressed through caulking and flashing and various tapes and sheet barriers (think Tyvek- tho we don't use Tyvek exactly). The reason you want to keep moisture and air from flowing back and forth through your walls is that air and moisture are the very things that cause building material deterioration, mold and mildew and dust (major allaergens), dust mites (which lead to spiders), insects and critters, etc. All are bad! bad! bad! for a house! never mind you the occupant. Remember the laws of physics: hot moves toward cold, wet moves toward dry. Air constantly wants to move through your walls and moisture travels on the air. We want to keep air and moisture from traveling through the walls. We want to control where and when it goes in and out ot the house and we will do it though ducts and vents and other specifically planned appetures. (AND we will talk more about how to do that in another post.)

One other thing that the flow of air and moisture do is that they reduce the functional R-value of your insulation.

SO now lets focus on the first item on the list - the insulation.

There are many types of insulation and they are all rated by one rating system and labeled with something called an R-Value. R-Value is a measure of thermal Resistance. The higher the R-value the better the insulation is at keeping heat or cool  inside your house at a steady temperature - this is because it is better at not allowing the heat to pass through it (either going out or coming in)...thus the term thermal resistance.

Most houses that were built in the post war era used fiberglass batt insulation (the pink stuff, the stuff you don't want to touch or breathe, the pink pather stuff, the stuff as one insulator I know says 'works GREAT as a filter! Cause the air passes right through it! which makes it not so awesome at thermal resistance' ) Usually we find houses of this era built with 2x4 studs so that means there is fiberglass batt insulation- about 3.5" thick slumping in the walls. Unless fiberglass batt is meticulously installed and unless it never aged and pulled itself off its staples overtime - its not really filling the wall cavity. Bottom line- its not the best insulator, it needs to be really well installed and almost never is, it falls and gets dirty over time, its bad for you to work with, critters don't mind it. We never specify it. We can't even believe people still use it as their primary insulation.

So what are the options. Well in the old days people used all sorts of things from straw to newspaper, to mud, tires, almost anything has been packed into walls. But we want something easily available, verifiably tested, regulated, readily installed, fire resistant, critter resistant, clean, mold and mildew free, etc. If we are going to make a good, well sealed, clean and healthy house we want insulations that work and work with our newer building methods.

The options we look at fall into these categories:

Blow in foams (Open cell or Closed Cell)

blow in 'other' (cellulose, fiberglass, cotton)

Batts (cotton or other)

Rigid Foam Boards (XPS, EPS, Polyiso)


24 May 2010 ~ What Kind of House Do You Drive?

17 May 2010 ~ House Parts - Siding

04 May 2010 ~ A 'rant' from Justin the conscientious realator...



(But remember ~ Justin is in Colorado- things are a bit different here in the North East…but not much…)


Hybridize Your Home!

‘Hybridize Your Home’ is a term that I like to use to describe the path to alternative energy because it seems like so many think that energy efficiency is still the realm of granola-eating hippies at the one end, and the changing of a few light bulbs at the other.  Hybridized makes us think of smart neighbors that drive a Prius and have Scandinavian designed computer bags.  Also, hybridization implies multiple systems functioning simultaneously, or trading off when it is better for one to work than the other.  Which is perfect for describing how we can improve the value, livability, and carbon footprint of our homes.

I raise hybridization and alternative energy with you as your Realtor because it is fundamentally tied to the cost of your home, and the long-term enjoyment and comfort of that home.  (As always, email me at or give me a call at 303-955-4618 for specific information about your home, or to schedule a free consultation).  

Because it is beyond the scope of an email, let me give you ten quick ideas to think about alternative energy and the direction that you need to take to maximize the use of your dollars, and to minimize the cost of living and the energy that you use.

As a general rule, lower your consumption through efficiency and smart choices, then look to the sun.  Here are some important steps.

1.  Look at your energy bill!  Most people just see the shocking number at the bottom, but you need to look at the breakdown between gas (or oil) and electricity.  Chances are that, if you are in Colorado, you spend vastly more on gas (North East = Oil) than you do on electricity.  Also, it is important to remember that the energy company is a privately owned, for-profit business.  By law they seek to maximize their profits, which means they want for you to spend as much as you can.  See them as a direct competitor for your money, so they are not a reliable source when you have questions about how to minimize your energy needs.

2.  After you determine which is greater, consider that you will get more bang for your buck by first focusing on more efficient gas systems than on replacing your electrical system.  It looks really good to get that big rack of panels on your rooftop—and I encourage that--but it is always cheaper and easier to go for the other things first.  Let the savings from a tank-less system pay for those panels in a few years.

3.  ‘Go Tank-less’.  Tank-less hot water systems have come a long way.  They are expensive if compared to the up front cost of a conventional hot water unit, but that difference is paid off quickly.  It costs more to keep a conventional hot water heater hot than it does for one person to actually use a tank-less system.  Think about how really stupid it is for us, as a nation, to be keeping 4.8 billion gallons of water hot all of the time.

That’s right, about 4.8 billion gallons of water are being kept hot right now.  We could save that energy every second of every day just by going tank-less.

4.  Replace when things break.  Most of us have old hot water heaters and forced air heating systems.  If you have a furnace that needs new guts, or a hot water heater that has rotted from inside out, then now is the time to go tank-less.  Tank-less systems can REPLACE your furnace AND provide you with hot water.  The savings are massive (can be about 50%).  These systems seem expensive up front, but remember the cost to our society—4.8 billion gallons being kept hot every second of every day.  The cost of the replacement is actually trivial by comparison.

Remember, the energy companies are your enemy in this.  4.8 billion gallons of sitting hot water is nice payday for them, so the nation by being sensibly alternative costs the private energy companies Trillions.  Oh, that is not a loss unless you watch Fox.  Those trillions saved by you can be used to spend on other things that you might want more.  Things like sending your kids to college.  A new car.  A nicer home.  You get the idea.

5.  Solar Thermal Supplement.  (SOLAR DOES WORK IN THE NORTHEAST! Not as well as it does in Colorado, but it does work). Solar thermal panels can quickly heat water to near boiling temperatures, so much of the time this can provide you with your domestic hot water needs (if you can adjust when you shower and do the dishes, solar thermal systems can easily replace the need for any other hot water system.)  The panels are also relatively inexpensive.  The water from the sun was so hot, that …

I have lived in homes where all of the domestic hot water was provided by the sun.  Other than showering in the afternoon instead of the morning, it is really no big deal.  In traditional homes, this super hot water, provided free of charge by the sun, can go a long way to heating the home, also.

6.  Boiler Replacement.  If you have a boiler, not a furnace, then consider a new boiler.  New boilers operate at 96% efficiency.  Old boilers commonly do about 55%-60%.  You can cut the heating cost in half.  I have paid off boilers in 3 years, so as a simple investment it is kind of a no-brainer.  I know that it isn’t sexy to, say, forgo buying that new car, but pay for the new energy systems first—the savings will pay for the car in a few years.

Again, the energy companies are not your friends.  They want for you to pay them to pump natural gas into your home and to generate electricity by burning coal to boil water to turn a generator so that they can run electrons through your wires.

7.  Boilers will do your domestic hot water.  If you have a boiler you can easily add a zone that will heat all of your domestic hot water.  The boiler has vastly more power than a hot water heater, so it does so much more efficiently and cheaply.  You can also add a couple of cheap rooftop solar thermal panels, which will supplement this system, also.

 See the pattern here.  Make your system more efficient, then look toward the sun.  Don’t get all solar, first.  You will need giant, costly systems if you try to go all solar without getting efficient first.

 8.  Now that the gas (oil) hogs are eating less, get to the electric.   Here is a punch list of electric savings:

A.  Turn off your lights, silly.

B.  Hang dry most of your clothes.  You don’t need lines outside, just get a pile of plastic hangers and hang the clothes on a rod, on a door, on the shower curtain, even in the closet.  It will humidify your home and your clothes will smell great.  The dryer is one of the two big hogs in your home.  It takes seconds and saves you a bundle.

C.  Electric piggy number 2 is your refrigerator.  If you have an old one, get rid of it.  Get rid of the old on in the garage or basement, too.  We buy massive amounts of food in bulk to save money, then we spend hundreds keeping it cold or frozen for six months.

As a note to anti-regulation bozos, the refrigerator is the great example of how regulation can work in our favor.  Basically modern refrigerators use about 40% of the energy than those built in the 70’s.  Our scientists and engineers are smart, just give them the right problem and they can probably get it done.

D.  Hitch all electronic devices to power strips—in one or two easy locations--and turn the strip on and off as needed.  You can also buy a $5.00 timer so that you only have the power strip turned on during specific times.  Do it manually if you don’t want to do the timer thing.  I have built switches into my house so that I can turn off specific outlets that are likely to have charging devices or items like stereos that always seem to have something turned on.  This is impractical for many, but it makes a difference.  Think, how many clocks do we need?

There are billions of devices that are turned on, but not being used.  A power strip and an ounce of conscience would save us, as a nation, billions of watts.  

9.  Get that bill out again—After you have made some easy changes--how many watts do you use now?  Once you know how many watts you use each month, then you can predict the size of solar system that you would need.  It is much, much cheaper to simply turn things off than to buy another 1000 watts in generating power, I can show you this if you don’t believe me.

10.  Net metering!  In most places you now have net metering.  When you are generating power that you are not using, your meter runs backwards.  You are giving to the grid and other users can take advantage of your personal power generation.  Easy.  No political battles.  No giant federal programs for those of you that are celebrating ‘Confederate Month’, and no more infrastructure.  It is really quite brilliant.  The sun is shining and it is hot.  You aren’t at home, but your solar panels are generating power like crazy.  You are sitting in your office, and since your office is using electricity, and your home is making electricity and giving it back to the grid, you are indirectly contributing clean energy to the cooling of your office.

Think of the city as a giant tree and each rooftop as a leaf of that tree.  The existing electric grid is like the branches of that tree, so the system is already in place to distribute the power generated by individuals.

I know that I harp on this point, but the energy companies are hostile to this system because they no longer monopolize power generation in a world that is focused on utilizing solar energy.  Each end user has the ability to also be a provider.  It is naturally co-operative and about nearly as red, commie, socialistic as nature itself.

If you want a preachy, personal rant on the stupidity of the rhetoric of our times, then that is also free of charge.  I’ll even buy the coffee!

11.  You’re still on the grid, so you don’t have to pay for perfect.  These few easy steps, done over time by everyone, would cut total household fossil fuel usage by about 75%.  Maybe more.  It is important that everyone know that this is a smart investment in your own home, and not a moralistic expense.  This isn’t Buck Rogers technology, either.  It is off the shelf technology, particularly cost effective when installed in the place of outdated systems, backed up by the system that we all currently use and understand.  It is simple and insanely inexpensive when compared to the trillions of dollars that we will spend in order for the energy companies to provide us with energy that they produce.

If you have read this far, you are truly my people and I thank you!





26 April 2010 ~ Alternative Building Materials

06 April 2010 ~ House Parts - Windows

01 April 2010 ~ Rowayton- Solar Day

31 March 2010 ~ Facelifts

We love to give existing houses facelifts! Saving what you can of an existing home is perhaps the most 'green' thing we can do as architects and builders.

31 March 2010 ~ Communication, Please!

31 March 2010 ~ Ceiling Fans


We encourage the use of ceiling fans! Especially in energy efficient houses because they make such an impact.

A tighter, more well insulated house already requires less heating and cooling -as you know -and it shortens the heating season and shortens the cooling season. (The amount of time you have the heat turned on during the year, and the amount of time you have the AC turned on during the year)

Fans make the cooling season even shorter. Instead of using air conditioning - say 30 -60 days during the summer -you may use AC only 5-10 days during the summer.

Our houses are designed for cross ventilation and fans. Cross ventilation alone is good, but if you add fans it makes it much more useful/ efficient- especially at night.

How about with a geothermal system?
"We have a geothermal system. Does this still apply? The cooling comes so efficiently from that system."

Well, it costs electric to run the cooling for the geothermal (pump and fans). I guess its the difference between the electric for geothermal and fans...which is more? I just asked my contractor bud and he said fans would be cheaper than running the geothermal for sure.